I must say that since I've decided to keep the father first in my life things have been happening!!!Anyone who knows me will tell you that I have always been a procrastinator, I have never just stuck with one thing.
I would have dreams of being a lawyer one day, and the very next day decide to become an astronaut!lol I always seemed to have my mind everywhere, but nowhere at all. I became so tired of going in circles. I'm reminded of an India Arie song that say's "Slow it down baby, you're going too fast, you got your hands in the air with your feet on the gas!" That was me, out of control, moving fast into nowhere but confusion!!!
It wasn't until my 29th year of existing that i realized that i can't accomplish anything if i start and then stop..I needed to refocus...or for the better part, find something to focus on!!!! I had to sit and be still and wait for the father to tell me what it is He needed me to focus on.
I believe Brown Sugah Child is the fathers way of showing me He hasn't forgot about me, and that he's still in control. This business is God' business. Through BSC I've found a new trust and faith in the Father. I find myself asking him for forgiveness for all the years I moved ahead of him. It's funny how the Father will let his little ones run, and run, and run until we turn around and ask him, "Daddy, where are we going? I'm lost!!!!
I encourage you sister, or brother to slow down look back and ask God, "Daddy where are we going? and once you ask the question do as the little ones do and run back to him, take his hand and let him lead you to your destiny!!!!Be blessed Sugahs, when you don't know what to ask him in order to get in line, just tell him "help me!" believe me he understands everything you mean just by saying those two little words!!!! He's just good like that!!!!
Have a happy Monday Sugahs-Brown Sugah Child

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