Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Scuff on the Diamond...

I've been re-visiting my old post and realized I'm not the same girl I use to be. I started this blog in 2010. I was 29, young, ambitious, and full of life!!! Nowadays I can barely get out of bed!! I'm scrambling for time to even grab a meal. I'm starting to wonder WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HER???!! I miss her. I miss her drive, I miss her love of life. As I read through the old Andrea, I realize that the one thing missing now is my love for her. I've neglected her. I doubt her now. She has attained so much knowledge, but her confidence has died. So now I'm praying for the Father to give me that attitude again. I envy who I was. I envy her energy, her love of Christ. It's so sad that I miss myself and I've never left. What did I lay down and pick up that has brought me to this point? What was my "aha!" Moment??? God bring her back. Give me that drive and confidence back. Remind me that I am truly "Fearfully and Wonderfully made"..... To be continued.....